Rien n'est plus frustrant que de vouloir aider et d'être impuissant. ShareDoc permet au public de surmonter le blues post-documentaire en agissant immédiatement et en soutenant les protagonistes ou une cause. Nous avons créé ShareDoc pour vous permettre de devenir un acteur du changement et amplifier l'impact social des documentaires. Après la projection d'un documentaire, vous pouvez désormais faire un don à un protagoniste ou à une association caritative, ou entreprendre des actions concrètes comme signer une pétition ou organiser une manifestation pour sensibiliser à une cause.
Il ne s'agit pas seulement de s'attarder sur la sensibilisation. À elle seule la sensibilisation ne suffit pas. Elle ne fournit pas refuge aux millions de réfugiés qui parcourent le monde et ne contribue pas à changer le sort des 26 milliards de poulets piégés dans l'industrie alimentaire mondiale. Au mieux, la sensibilisation est un début.... La prise de conscience peut amener votre public à agir via ShareDoc : et c'est précisément cette action qui contribuera à changer la vie de vos protagonistes.
Tant qu'il s'agit d'apporter une contribution positive à la société, les cinéastes ou leurs producteurs peuvent s'inscrire chez nous, en tant qu'individu ou en tant qu'organisation. Grâce à notre système de code QR simple, présenté dans les crédits, tout le monde peut facilement faire un don ou agir.
10 mars 2025
Subina Shrestha Director and Producer
3 mars 2025
ShareDoc’s new partner SIMA Studios
Daniela Kon Lieberberg founder of SIMA Studio explains:
ShareDoc plays a significant ro...
23 juin 2024
Nick Cunningham, Business Doc Europe
We’ve all been there. You watch a film and are so moved by the story you want to make a financial contribution to the cause i...
26 sept. 2023
Interview by Davide Abbatescianni, Cineuropa
On 25 September, Malmö’s Scandic Triangeln hosted a panel that delved into the opportunities brought about by the ground-brea...
11 sept. 2023
The portrayed Yazidi women were barely teenagers when Islamic State soldiers kidnapped them and inducted them as (sex) slaves...
6 juin 2023
On Tuesday, September 19, IDFA will screen the Swedish-Ukranian-Norwegian documentary film Motherland, by filmmakers Hanna Ba...
2 mai 2023
Interview by Geoffrey Macnab, Business Doc Europe
It’s a badly neglected episode in recent German history. Before the Berlin Wall came down, thousands of Mozambicans travelled...
23 mars 2023
Interview by Valerio Caruso, Cineuropa
Anne Marie Borsboom, the founder of ShareDoc, breaks down her tool designed to bridge the gap between documentary lovers and ...
14 mars 2023
14 March 2023 by Nick Cunningham - Business Doc Europe
Founder Anne Marie Borsboom explains to Business Doc Europe how her ShareDoc initiative is designed for doc-watchers “with a ...
Devi Khadka
za 22 maart 2025
Première: Q&A director Subina Shrestha en activist Devi Khadka
European premiere of DEVI. After the screen...
22. Juli 2024/von Peter Hartig
ShareDoc: Mehr Wirkung für den Dokumentarfilm
At CPH:DOX, we were impressed by the spirit and determination of Share Doc to further the efforts of filmmakers and their work, and provide concrete support for film characters and issues they fight for- or with. It is essential that civil society and film collaborate in their role of "change agents” in the society. ShareDoc is an excellent tool to advocate for social, cultural, political and legal change around documentary films.
At CPH:DOX, we were impressed by the spirit and determination of Share Doc to further the efforts of filmmakers and their work, and provide concrete support for film characters and issues they fight for- or with. It is essential that civil society and film collaborate in their role of "change agents” in the society. ShareDoc is an excellent tool to advocate for social, cultural, political and legal change around documentary films.
While we as documentary makers are not allowed to reimburse our characters, Share Doc has ensured that our Daughters of the Sun have received a wonderful contribution for their efforts. I also noticed that the film audience that attended the Q&As really enjoyed to be able to do something concrete for the Yazidi women after watching the film.
While we as documentary makers are not allowed to reimburse our characters, Share Doc has ensured that our Daughters of the Sun have received a wonderful contribution for their efforts. I also noticed that the film audience that attended the Q&As really enjoyed to be able to do something concrete for the Yazidi women after watching the film.
Here is why we believe our platform can be a success and disrupt the film industry! Watching a heavy documentary is one thing, but leaving it helpless after watching does not make me happy. If I were satisfied and able to act, I would go to this type of film more often.' ShareDoc’s mission is critical. As a film festival, we aim to collaborate with the platform for several reasons. Mainly, the project has the potential to become a single platform continually working with impact and with specific human-rights documentaries, which are the core of our festival programming strategy.
Here is why we believe our platform can be a success and disrupt the film industry! Watching a heavy documentary is one thing, but leaving it helpless after watching does not make me happy. If I were satisfied and able to act, I would go to this type of film more often.' ShareDoc’s mission is critical. As a film festival, we aim to collaborate with the platform for several reasons. Mainly, the project has the potential to become a single platform continually working with impact and with specific human-rights documentaries, which are the core of our festival programming strategy.
The audience can be more willing to visit specific documentaries if they can be involved instead of being reduced to passivity. The more festivals engage with ShareDoc, the greater the possibility of a united industry that encourages dialogue between the audience, filmmakers, protagonists, and festival representatives. ShareDoc and film festivals could work together to encourage the rise of an engaged audience willing to go beyond the film experience and engage in broader social changes.
The audience can be more willing to visit specific documentaries if they can be involved instead of being reduced to passivity. The more festivals engage with ShareDoc, the greater the possibility of a united industry that encourages dialogue between the audience, filmmakers, protagonists, and festival representatives. ShareDoc and film festivals could work together to encourage the rise of an engaged audience willing to go beyond the film experience and engage in broader social changes.
I believe ShareDoc can lead to more satisfied audiences at our film festival and significant changes for the protagonists. It would change our image from being an information-oriented and discussion-oriented festival to an action-oriented festival. It is innovative as there are no similar initiatives only focused on the documentary industry.
I believe ShareDoc can lead to more satisfied audiences at our film festival and significant changes for the protagonists. It would change our image from being an information-oriented and discussion-oriented festival to an action-oriented festival. It is innovative as there are no similar initiatives only focused on the documentary industry.
For us as producers, the ShareDoc concept is fantastic. We often get the question: "How can we help this person in your film?" And here we actually have an answer, where the protagonists themselves can receive direct donations. The logistics are manageable, and most importantly: We always have a feeling that we are collaborating with an organisation that has its heart in the right place.
For us as producers, the ShareDoc concept is fantastic. We often get the question: "How can we help this person in your film?" And here we actually have an answer, where the protagonists themselves can receive direct donations. The logistics are manageable, and most importantly: We always have a feeling that we are collaborating with an organisation that has its heart in the right place.
As a documentry filmmaker I sometimes asked myself – does my job still have sense in this world, overloaded with video material and documentaries of any kind?
Are festivals, red carpets and prizes really my goal? No.
As a documentry filmmaker I sometimes asked myself – does my job still have sense in this world, overloaded with video material and documentaries of any kind?
Are festivals, red carpets and prizes really my goal? No.
I wanted to say HUGE THANKS for your idea and platform! I think we did it well.
I wanted to say HUGE THANKS for your idea and platform! I think we did it well.
ShareDoc is a fantastic initiative and resource for documentary filmmakers, and we were honoured to have the ShareDoc team at our festival to meet with documentarians from the island of Ireland.
We hope to continue to develop our relationship in the coming years!
ShareDoc is a fantastic initiative and resource for documentary filmmakers, and we were honoured to have the ShareDoc team at our festival to meet with documentarians from the island of Ireland.
We hope to continue to develop our relationship in the coming years!
ShareDoc is a simple and great tool that can benefit many protagonists and also film teams to create impact in an efficient way.
ShareDoc is a simple and great tool that can benefit many protagonists and also film teams to create impact in an efficient way.
ShareDoc is an inspiring intiative, allowing audiences and stories to grow closer together in real life, a goal that many documentaries share.
ShareDoc is an inspiring intiative, allowing audiences and stories to grow closer together in real life, a goal that many documentaries share.
Docs reflect the state of the world…and it is often not nice what we see. SHAREDOC is a unique tool set up to actually help the people whose life you witness ( and feel for…) in these movies…. you can make a difference. Great idea!
Docs reflect the state of the world…and it is often not nice what we see. SHAREDOC is a unique tool set up to actually help the people whose life you witness ( and feel for…) in these movies…. you can make a difference. Great idea!
Sharedoc has given immense relief to Marwa and Raha, the two young Afghans who shared their story for our film 'Inside Kabul'. It has enabled us to gather money to help them out of their country and finance their first weeks in Europe. It has been SO heartwarming to get the support and have a space where all those who were asking to help, could easily do so.
Sharedoc has given immense relief to Marwa and Raha, the two young Afghans who shared their story for our film 'Inside Kabul'. It has enabled us to gather money to help them out of their country and finance their first weeks in Europe. It has been SO heartwarming to get the support and have a space where all those who were asking to help, could easily do so.
As the producers of “Inside Kabul”, we sincerely thank all the donors for their incredible support to Marwa and Raha, the Afghan women featured in the film. This solidarity between the protagonists and the donors was made possible through the ShareDoc platform.
As the producers of “Inside Kabul”, we sincerely thank all the donors for their incredible support to Marwa and Raha, the Afghan women featured in the film. This solidarity between the protagonists and the donors was made possible through the ShareDoc platform.
ShareDoc is a bridge between storytelling and action. It’s a powerful and accessible way to propel impact beyond the screen, that is replicable and is making a meaningful contribution to the field.
ShareDoc is a bridge between storytelling and action. It’s a powerful and accessible way to propel impact beyond the screen, that is replicable and is making a meaningful contribution to the field.
In times when the world is on fire, important films continue to be made.
ShareDoc is a special initiative that provides the filmmakers protagonists support.
With the contribution of the audience the goal and call of the film can help both filmmaker and protagonist.
In times when the world is on fire, important films continue to be made.
ShareDoc is a special initiative that provides the filmmakers protagonists support.
With the contribution of the audience the goal and call of the film can help both filmmaker and protagonist.
ShareDoc permet à tous les acteurs du secteur de s'impliquer dans de nouvelles collaborations. Notre objectif est de nous associer aux festivals de films dédiés aux droits de l'homme et de contribuer à la création d'une industrie accessible et permettant au public d'agir instantanément.
Que vous soyez réalisateur, organisateur de festival ou tout simplement un féru de documentaire, nous sommes toujours ravis d’échanger avec vous!
We aim to partner with all who play a roll in the documentary ecosystem and want to join forces.
Grâce à votre contribution, ShareDoc, en tant qu'organisation à but non lucratif, peut continuer à garantir que les cinéastes peuvent utiliser la plateforme gratuitement afin que les protagonistes ayant besoin d'aide puissent recevoir un soutien où qu'ils se trouvent dans le monde.
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