Nichts ist frustrierender, als helfen zu wollen, aber nicht können. ShareDoc ermöglicht es dem Publikum um den postdokumentarischen Blues zu überwinden , sofort zu handeln und eine/n Protagonist/in oder eine Initiative zu unterstützen. Wir haben ShareDoc ins Leben gerufen, um jeder und jedem eine Möglichkeit zu geben Change Maker zu werden und die soziale Wirkung von Dokumentarfilmen zu verstärken. Nach jeder Filmvorführung können nun die Zuschauer direkt für eine/n Protagonist/in oder eine Wohltätigkeitsorganisation spenden oder konkrete Maßnahmen ergreifen wie z. B. eine Petition unterzeichnen, einen Protest organisieren oder bei einer Initiative mitmachen.
Ihr Publikum möchte nicht nur im Bewusstsein verweilen ... Allein das Bewusstsein reicht nicht um z.B. Millionen von Flüchtlingen einen Unterschlupf zu bieten oder das Schicksal der 26 Milliarden Hühner zu ändern, die in der globalen Fabrikindustrie gefangen sind. Bewusstsein kann bestenfalls ein Anfang sein... Bewusstsein kann das Publikum dazu bringen, über ShareDoc aktiv zu werden: die Aktion, die das Leben Deiner Protagonist*innen verändern wird.
Sofern es darum geht, einen positiven Beitrag für die Gesellschaft zu leisten, können sich Filmemacher oder ihre Produzenten bei uns registrieren, als Einzelperson oder als Organisation. Mit unserem einfachen QR-Code-System, das im Abspann vorgestellt wird, kann jeder ganz einfach spenden oder aktiv werden.
Nick Cunningham, Business Doc Europe
We’ve all been there. You watch a film and are so moved by the story you want to make a financial contribution to the cause it espouses. But then the credits roll, you leave the cinema and the moment has passed.
Interview by Davide Abbatescianni, Cineuropa
On 25 September, Malmö’s Scandic Triangeln hosted a panel that delved into the opportunities brought about by the ground-breaking impact platform ShareDoc, including a case study focusing on the award-winning documentary A House Made of Splinters by Simon Lereng Wilmont. The discussion, moderated by Sini Hormio, of DocPoint – Helsinki Documentary Film Festival, was part of the industry talks organised by Nordisk Panorama (21-26 September) and saw the participation of Final Cut for Real producer Maria Kristensen together with ShareDoc founder and filmmaker Anne-Marie Borsboom.
The portrayed Yazidi women were barely teenagers when Islamic State soldiers kidnapped them and inducted them as (sex) slaves. By now many have returned. Dramatist Hussein helps them resettle in the community they were brutally snatched away from.
On Tuesday, September 19, IDFA will screen the Swedish-Ukranian-Norwegian documentary film Motherland, by filmmakers Hanna Badziaka and Alexander Mihalkovich. The Dutch premiere of the film will take place during the 36th edition of IDFA (November 8 to 19, 2023) with the filmmakers in attendance.
Interview by Geoffrey Macnab, Business Doc Europe
It’s a badly neglected episode in recent German history. Before the Berlin Wall came down, thousands of Mozambicans travelled to the GDR to work and study. Many started families. Both countries were socialist and they seemed like natural allies. But then, after reunification, the contract workers discovered they were no longer wanted or needed in the new Germany. Impoverished and without any chance of work, they were forced to head back to Africa, often leaving wives and children behind them. They had been very badly exploited.
Interview by Valerio Caruso, Cineuropa
Anne Marie Borsboom, the founder of ShareDoc, breaks down her tool designed to bridge the gap between documentary lovers and immediate action, enabling viewers to support protagonists
and drive social impact.
14 March 2023 by Nick Cunningham - Business Doc Europe
Founder Anne Marie Borsboom explains to Business Doc Europe how her ShareDoc initiative is designed for doc-watchers “with a philanthropic mindset.” By scanning a QR code at the end of a screening audiences can donate directly to the protagonists whose lives they have just observed. Or if not financially, then they can engage in impact activity in other ways, such as by forming a petition, Borsboom suggests, or arranging a protest or even simply communicating their support (via the film’s producer).
22. Juli 2024/von Peter Hartig
ShareDoc: Mehr Wirkung für den Dokumentarfilm
At CPH:DOX, we were impressed by the spirit and determination of Share Doc to further the efforts of filmmakers and their work, and provide concrete support for film characters and issues they fight for- or with. It is essential that civil society and film collaborate in their role of "change agents” in the society. ShareDoc is an excellent tool to advocate for social, cultural, political and legal change around documentary films.
While we as documentary makers are not allowed to reimburse our characters, Share Doc has ensured that our Daughters of the Sun have received a wonderful contribution for their efforts. I also noticed that the film audience that attended the Q&As really enjoyed to be able to do something concrete for the Yazidi women after watching the film.
Here is why we believe our platform can be a success and disrupt the film industry! Watching a heavy documentary is one thing, but leaving it helpless after watching does not make me happy. If I were satisfied and able to act, I would go to this type of film more often.' ShareDoc’s mission is critical. As a film festival, we aim to collaborate with the platform for several reasons. Mainly, the project has the potential to become a single platform continually working with impact and with specific human-rights documentaries, which are the core of our festival programming strategy.
The audience can be more willing to visit specific documentaries if they can be involved instead of being reduced to passivity. The more festivals engage with ShareDoc, the greater the possibility of a united industry that encourages dialogue between the audience, filmmakers, protagonists, and festival representatives. ShareDoc and film festivals could work together to encourage the rise of an engaged audience willing to go beyond the film experience and engage in broader social changes.
I believe ShareDoc can lead to more satisfied audiences at our film festival and significant changes for the protagonists. It would change our image from being an information-oriented and discussion-oriented festival to an action-oriented festival. It is innovative as there are no similar initiatives only focused on the documentary industry.
For us as producers, the ShareDoc concept is fantastic. We often get the question: "How can we help this person in your film?" And here we actually have an answer, where the protagonists themselves can receive direct donations. The logistics are manageable, and most importantly: We always have a feeling that we are collaborating with an organisation that has its heart in the right place.
As a documentry filmmaker I sometimes asked myself – does my job still have sense in this world, overloaded with video material and documentaries of any kind?
Are festivals, red carpets and prizes really my goal? No.
The ShareDoc idea was for me an insight. Making documentaries to create a real social impact – that sounds good! ShareDoc makes it possible on very direct way.
Thanks to ShareDoc I found a new motivation to continue working on documentary film, looking for stories and protagonists, who are making this world better and need help on it.
I wanted to say HUGE THANKS for your idea and platform! I think we did it well.
ShareDoc is a fantastic initiative and resource for documentary filmmakers, and we were honoured to have the ShareDoc team at our festival to meet with documentarians from the island of Ireland.
We hope to continue to develop our relationship in the coming years!
ShareDoc is a simple and great tool that can benefit many protagonists and also film teams to create impact in an efficient way.
“ShareDoc is an inspiring intiative, allowing audiences and stories to grow closer together in real life, a goal that many documentaries share.”
Docs reflect the state of the world…and it is often not nice what we see. SHAREDOC is a unique tool set up to actually help the people whose life you witness ( and feel for…) in these movies…. you can make a difference. Great idea!
Sharedoc has given immense relief to Marwa and Raha, the two young Afghans who shared their story for our film 'Inside Kabul'. It has enabled us to gather money to help them out of their country and finance their first weeks in Europe. It has been SO heartwarming to get the support and have a space where all those who were asking to help, could easily do so.
“As the producers of “Inside Kabul”, we sincerely thank all the donors for their incredible support to Marwa and Raha, the Afghan women featured in the film. This solidarity between the protagonists and the donors was made possible through the ShareDoc platform.”
ShareDoc ist ein Knotenpunkt, um sich zu vernetzen und zu kooperieren. Unser Ziel ist es, mit filmfestivals zusammenzuarbeiten und unsere Kräfte zu bündeln, um eine besser zugängliche Dokumentarfilmindustrie zu schaffen, in der das Publikum sofort handeln kann.
Bist Du ein Dokumentarfilmer, der für seinen Protagonist*innen etwas bewirken will? Ein Festivalveranstalter, ein Produzent oder Dokumentarfilmliebhaber, der die soziale Wirkung von Dokumentarfilmen verbessern möchte? Lass uns ins Gespräch kommen!
Bist Du ein Dokumentarfilmer, der für seinen Protagonist*innen etwas bewirken will? Ein Festivalveranstalter, ein Produzent oder Dokumentarfilmliebhaber, der die soziale Wirkung von Dokumentarfilmen verbessern möchte? Lass uns ins Gespräch kommen!
Mit Ihrem Beitrag kann ShareDoc als gemeinnützige Organisation weiterhin sicherstellen, dass Filmemacher die Plattform kostenlos nutzen können, sodass hilfsbedürftige Protagonisten überall auf der Welt Unterstützung erhalten können.
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