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Doctors of the World

Volunteers of Doctors of the World are committed to provide health care to refugees arriving on French territory. More on:



Alexis Gagnepain

Help us support the volunteers or be one yourself!

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When night falls in the picturesque French ski resort of Montgenèvre, the mountains become the setting for a desperate game of cat-and-mouse. Nighttime is when small groups of migrants trek from Italy to France across the snowy Alps, all the while being hunted by the border police. A team of volunteers and members of Doctors Without Borders try to
provide help where they can. In the darkness they scour the slopes
searching for stragglers and strays—for pregnant women, young children with no parents, the sick—whose willingness to face the perilous nocturnal journey across the ice betrays their desperation.


Update: The Summer and Autumn of 2023 have been deadly once again. Three young refugees lost their lives in these mountains, one on a high-altitude path in August and two others falling into icy streams two weeks apart. Their only fault: fleeing war and poverty and tying to reach a country that did not want them. France has drastically increased the number of police officers and military force at the Montgenèvre border, forcing the refugees to take ever more dangerous routes.

Our action : We do our utmost to ensure the safety of refugees arriving on French territory via Montgenèvre, and we try to protect them from the psychological and physical violence they endure on their journey through a very hostile environment. To do so, we offer care, food and transport.

We are also working to ensure that this tragic situation is brought to the attention of as many people as possible, including French and European parliamentarians and the media.

Our needs : To ensure the continuity of these activities, we need financial support, but we also need people who can commit to ensuring a very regular presence in the mountains. We also welcome media with whom we feel there is a bond of trust to explain what happens at this border.

Money raised goes to the association "Tous Migrants", towards volunteer accommodation, mountain equipment, volunteer travels, legal support and so on.

Our contact details : If you would like to get involved, please contact us at tousmigrants‑maraudes‑ . Volunteer health care providers can write to .

We hope to see you soon.