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ShareDoc enables you to make an everlasting impact and change the lives of the protagonist.

In today’s reality making an impact became increasingly important. 

In today’s world, collaboration, support and communities matter more than ever. ShareDoc enables everyone to be an agent of change. We can all be part of the unfolding story of the protagonist and contribute to shaping a new world. ShareDoc is a space for change-makers willing to take action and ignite growth and bonding.

Start making an impact today, and grab the instant possibility to take action:


1. Watch a documentary


2. Scan the QR code featured in the credits or the ticket


3. Choose to make a donation or take action. Help a protagonist or a charity

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Why they believe in ShareDoc’s impact

Interesting concept. Well done. I think it matters to offer a pathway for audiences to engage in collective action

Beth Seymour, ACT Human Rights Film Festival Colorado.

Share.Doc is a great incentive to continue to bind us to the audience. As a festival organizer, I spot the opportunity to discover information about documentaries, insights about audience engagement, and the possibility of receiving guidance on the films that truly made an impact. ShareDoc is a very innovative concept that could enhance our programming and promotion strategy.

Una Ciric

After 11 years of involvement as a partner at IDFA, I have observed that after seeing a documentary, people often ask: how can I help?
As an organizer, I cannot answer this question nor offer individual assistance. ShareDoc bridges the gap by enabling the audience to act independently and instantly. I feel the platform will enhance the already existing interest in Human Rights films.

Linda van Veldhuizen, Oxfam Novib Partner, IDFA

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