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Wild Coast Warriors


Nonhle Mbuthuma

Famous human rights activist who won the Goldman Environmental prize 2024, fighting for her land, ocean, resisting exploitation, helped found the Amadiba Crisis Committee to unite the Amadiba Community, winning court cases against titanium mining & Shell oil. After the assassination of her friend she said: “I wake up each morning, thank God I am still alive.” After being told she was on a hit list: “I know I am a target. My husband, my family & friends are worried. They tell me to go into hiding. But I can’t do that!"




Help us support the indigenous people fighting against Shell.

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LOGLINE: For centuries, indigenous people lived sustainably while resisting invaders on South Africa’s Wild Coast, and recently in a David and Goliath courtroom fight against Shell, these communities succeeded in halting oil/gas exploration, winning ongoing protection for their ocean and culture.

This film celebrates and pays tribute to the amaMpondo for their outstanding and historic, legal victory over Shell, Impact Oil and Gas (Impact Africa) and the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources in South Africa. The story is constructed as an almighty existential clash of cultures. The amaMpondo protagonists, conserving nature, their way of life and their very existence, battle the oil giants and the Minister of Energy antagonists, their profit-driven fossil fuel exploration that could potentially destroy marine life and indigenous culture. This leads to a climactic courtroom ruling that might help influence the direction of travel for the next few years that humanity has left to drastically reduce carbon
emissions and prevent a burning planet and biodiversity loss.

We are passionate about giving unheard indigenous people a voice as the true conservators of their natural world. We invite global viewers to meet these people and judge for themselves. We see the amaMpondo's lived experience, maintaining responsible stewardship of ancestral lands and sacred seas, a symbiotic relationship that supports flourishing land and marine biodiversity, counterpointed with Shell’s capitalist arguments. We aim to demonstrate how by combining cultural heritage, indigenous wisdom, human rights activism, and environmental campaigning with litigation, can be a powerful means to tackle climate catastrophe, biodiversity degradation, and an attack on human rights. We want to inspire youth and other indigenous communities globally to rise up to protect their lands and oceans and seek justice.

DRAMATIC CONFLICT: The story is constructed as an almighty existential clash of cultures. The amaMpondo protagonists, conserving nature, their way of life and their very existence, battle the antagonists, Shell, Impact Africa (British oil), and the South African government, their profit-driven fossil fuel exploration that could potentially destroy marine life and indigenous culture, leading to a climactic courtroom ruling that might influence the direction of travel for the next 3 - 7 years that humanity has left to prevent a burning planet. 

Please see our website at: https://www.wildcoastwarriorsf...