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Empower your audience

Nothing is more frustrating than wanting to help and being powerless. ShareDoc enables the audience to overcome the post-documentary blues by taking immediate action and supporting the protagonists or a cause. We created ShareDoc to empower you to become a change-maker and amplify the social impact of documentaries. Following the screening of a documentary, you can now donate to a protagonist or a charity or take concrete actions such as signing a petition or organizing a protest to raise awareness of a cause.

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It is not only about watching...

Your audience does not only want to dwell in awareness.... awareness cannot provide shelter to those millions of refugees nor change the fate of the 26 billion chickens trapped in the global factory industry. At best, awareness can be a beginning.... Awareness might lead your audience to take action via ShareDoc : the action that will make an impact to change the lives of your protagonists


The Distant Barking of Dogs

A House Made of Splinters


Notes on Displacement

Leaving to Remain

As I Was Looking Above, I Could See Myself Underneath

Our Daily Bread

FINITE: The Climate of Change


The Doggies

Lotus Sports Club

WANIBIK (the people who live in front of their land)

Holding Up The Sky

My Name is Happy

Becoming A Black Woman


Inside Kabul

Daughters of the sun


This Stolen Country of Mine

Fragments of Resilience


The Homes We Carry

In the Shadow of Beirut

A Golden Life

India's 1st Best Trans Model Agency

Arna's Children

King Lear: how we looked for love during the war


Mambar Pierrette

Vrouwen de Baas

1001 Days

The Caravan


Life is Beautiful - Al Haya Helwa

Boxeo Havana Social Club

A Free Daughter (of a Free Kyrgyzstan)

Who, if not us?The Fight for Democracy in Belarus

Nice Ladies


Mexican Dream

Everything Needs to Live



Enter at Your Own Risk

Wild Coast Warriors

Step Into the Comfort Zone

Blueberry Dreams

Junax, thread by thread

For filmmakers, the protagonists, the audience and the industry.

As long as it is about making a positive contribution to society, filmmakers or their producers can register with us, as an individual or as an organization. With our easy QR code system, featured in the credits, everyone can easily donate or take action.

Global Impact

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ShareDoc Events




Oct 15, 2024


Oct 15, 2024



Sunny side of the Doc 2024

Jun 24, 2024


Jun 27, 2024



Sheffield Docfest 2024

Jun 12, 2024


Jun 17, 2024



Docs Barcelona 2024

May 2, 2024


May 10, 2024



Movies that Matter 2024

Mar 22, 2024


Mar 30, 2024



FIFDH 2024

Mar 10, 2024


Mar 12, 2024




Nov 8, 2023


Nov 19, 2023




Oct 23, 2023


Oct 30, 2023



Nordisk Panorama

Sep 21, 2023


Sep 26, 2023



IDFA Special

Sep 19, 2023


Sep 19, 2023



DOCS Ireland

Jun 20, 2023


Jun 25, 2023



Sheffield DocFest

Jun 14, 2023


Jun 19, 2023




May 3, 2023


May 14, 2023



One World

Mar 22, 2023


Apr 4, 2023




Mar 16, 2023


Mar 26, 2023




Jan 20, 2023


Jan 28, 2023

ShareDoc News

ShareDoc at Sunny Side to deliver immediate Impact

Jun 23, 2024

Nick Cunningham, Business Doc Europe

We’ve all been there. You watch a film and are so moved by the story you want to make a financial contribution to the cause it espouses. But then the credits roll, you leave the cinema and the moment has passed.

Meeting with Anne-Marie Borsboom, founder of ShareDOC

Mar 18, 2024

Nordisk Panorama shines a spotlight on ground-breaking tool for documentarians ShareDoc

Sep 26, 2023

Interview by Davide Abbatescianni, Cineuropa

On 25 September, Malmö’s Scandic Triangeln hosted a panel that delved into the opportunities brought about by the ground-breaking impact platform ShareDoc, including a case study focusing on the award-winning documentary A House Made of Splinters.

Daughters of the Sun selected for Gouden Kalf Nominations @ Nederlands Filmfestival

Sep 11, 2023

The portrayed Yazidi women were barely teenagers when Islamic State soldiers kidnapped them and inducted them as (sex) slaves. By now many have returned. Dramatist Hussein helps them resettle in the community they were brutally snatched away from.

Motherland @ Sharedoc

Jun 6, 2023

On Tuesday, September 19, IDFA will screen the Swedish-Ukranian-Norwegian documentary film Motherland, by filmmakers Hanna Badziaka and Alexander Mihalkovich. The Dutch premiere of the film will take place during the 36th edition of IDFA (November 8 to 19, 2023) with the filmmakers in attendance.

Hot Docs Changing Face of Europe: The Homes We Carry by Brenda Akele Jorde

May 2, 2023

Interview by Geoffrey Macnab, Business Doc Europe

It’s a badly neglected episode in recent German history. Before the Berlin Wall came down, thousands of Mozambicans travelled to the GDR to work and study. Many started families. But then.

Industry Report: Documentary

Mar 23, 2023

Interview by Valerio Caruso, Cineuropa

Anne Marie Borsboom, the founder of ShareDoc, breaks down her tool designed to bridge the gap between documentary lovers and immediate action, enabling viewers to support protagonists
and drive social impact.

The Impact of sharing

Mar 14, 2023

Interview by Nick Cunningham, Business Doc Europe

Founder Anne Marie Borsboom explains to Business Doc Europe how her ShareDoc initiative is designed for doc-watchers “with a philanthropic mindset.” By scanning a QR code at the end of a screening audiences can donate directly to the protagonists.

ShareDoc: More impact for documentary films

22. Juli 2024/von Peter Hartig

ShareDoc: Mehr Wirkung für den Dokumentarfilm

They loved ShareDoc!

At CPH:DOX, we were impressed by the spirit and determination of Share Doc to further the efforts of filmmakers and their work, and provide concrete support for film characters and issues they fight for- or with. It is essential that civil society and film collaborate in their role of "change agents” in the society. ShareDoc is an excellent tool to advocate for social, cultural, political and legal change around documentary films.

Tereza Simikova Head of Industry CPH:DOX 2023

While we as documentary makers are not allowed to reimburse our characters, Share Doc has ensured that our Daughters of the Sun have received a wonderful contribution for their efforts. I also noticed that the film audience that attended the Q&As really enjoyed to be able to do something concrete for the Yazidi women after watching the film.

Reber Dosky, Filmmaker

Here is why we believe our platform can be a success and disrupt the film industry! Watching a heavy documentary is one thing, but leaving it helpless after watching does not make me happy. If I were satisfied and able to act, I would go to this type of film more often.' ShareDoc’s mission is critical. As a film festival, we aim to collaborate with the platform for several reasons. Mainly, the project has the potential to become a single platform continually working with impact and with specific human-rights documentaries, which are the core of our festival programming strategy.

Organizer Festival One World

The audience can be more willing to visit specific documentaries if they can be involved instead of being reduced to passivity. The more festivals engage with ShareDoc, the greater the possibility of a united industry that encourages dialogue between the audience, filmmakers, protagonists, and festival representatives. ShareDoc and film festivals could work together to encourage the rise of an engaged audience willing to go beyond the film experience and engage in broader social changes.

Ondřej Kamenický, Director One World

I believe ShareDoc can lead to more satisfied audiences at our film festival and significant changes for the protagonists. It would change our image from being an information-oriented and discussion-oriented festival to an action-oriented festival. It is innovative as there are no similar initiatives only focused on the documentary industry.

Eric van de Giessen, Former International Support Manager at Movies that Matter

For us as producers, the ShareDoc concept is fantastic. We often get the question: "How can we help this person in your film?" And here we actually have an answer, where the protagonists themselves can receive direct donations. The logistics are manageable, and most importantly: We always have a feeling that we are collaborating with an organisation that has its heart in the right place.

Maria Kristensen, Producer Final Cut for Real

As a documentry filmmaker I sometimes asked myself – does my job still have sense in this world, overloaded with video material and documentaries of any kind?
Are festivals, red carpets and prizes really my goal? No.

Anastasia Vinokurova, Filmmaker

The ShareDoc idea was for me an insight. Making documentaries to create a real social impact – that sounds good! ShareDoc makes it possible on very direct way.
Thanks to ShareDoc I found a new motivation to continue working on documentary film, looking for stories and protagonists, who are making this world better and need help on it.

Anastasia Vinokurova, Filmmaker

I wanted to say HUGE THANKS for your idea and platform! I think we did it well.

Ruslan Fedotow, Filmmaker Away

ShareDoc is a fantastic initiative and resource for documentary filmmakers, and we were honoured to have the ShareDoc team at our festival to meet with documentarians from the island of Ireland.
We hope to continue to develop our relationship in the coming years!

Roisín Geraghty / Head of Industry & Marketplace DOCS IRELAND

ShareDoc is a simple and great tool that can benefit many protagonists and also film teams to create impact in an efficient way.

Sini Hormio Filmmaker, Impact Producer, Impact trainer

“ShareDoc is an inspiring intiative, allowing audiences and stories to grow closer together in real life, a goal that many documentaries share.”

Esther van Messel Founder & CEO First Hand Films

Docs reflect the state of the world…and it is often not nice what we see. SHAREDOC is a unique tool set up to actually help the people whose life you witness ( and feel for…) in these movies…. you can make a difference. Great idea!

Jan Rofekamp - Films Transit International

Sharedoc has given immense relief to Marwa and Raha, the two young Afghans who shared their story for our film 'Inside Kabul'. It has enabled us to gather money to help them out of their country and finance their first weeks in Europe. It has been SO heartwarming to get the support and have a space where all those who were asking to help, could easily do so.

Caroline Gillet Filmmaker (Inside Kabul)

“As the producers of “Inside Kabul”, we sincerely thank all the donors for their incredible support to Marwa and Raha, the Afghan women featured in the film. This solidarity between the protagonists and the donors was made possible through the ShareDoc platform.”

Estelle Fialon at Les Films du Poisson

Become a partner !

We aim to partner with Films Festivals and to join forces.


Register or Ambassador?

Are you a documentarist or producer wanting to start a campaign on ShareDoc to support your protagonist?

Or a documentary enthusiast embracing the idea of collaborating to enhance the social impact of documentaries? ShareDoc needs ambassadors, let's start a conversation!

Support ShareDoc!

With your contribution ShareDoc as a nonprofit organization can continue to ensure that filmmakers can use the platform free of charge so protagonists in need of help can receive support wherever they are in the world.