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'New Profile' is a feminist and antimilitarist movement founded in 1998 which believes that militarism--deeply rooted in Israeli society--makes society more violent, sexist, and racist.
Help us support
In Israel there is no support for young people who are considering avoiding service. Any encouragement of military evasion is illegal. This is why as a film-maker I ask for your support in 'New Profile' - the only organization who helps young people when they are forced to serve in the military.
'New Profile' is a feminist and antimilitarist movement founded in 1998 which believes that militarism--deeply rooted in Israeli society--makes society more violent, sexist, and racist. Since their inception, New Profile's volunteer-supported Counselling Network has accompanied over 20,000 youths who independently choose not to serve in the Israeli Military by obtaining a military exemption via ongoing support, free legal aid, and additional resources and information. Many of the youth who request their support are in difficult emotional/mental situations due to their experiences with the military system.
New Profile has been persecuted by the Israeli authorities on several occasions--members detained and equipment confiscated. Yet, the movement continues their work and relies upon generous donor support to help them continue their precious mission.
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