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The Distant Barking of Dogs


Oleg & his family

In the documentary film THE DISTANT BARKING OF DOGS (2017) we meet 10 year old OIeg, who lives with his grandmother on the frontline of the war in Eastern Ukraine. When the full scale Russian invasion happened in 2022, Oleg and his family had to leave their home. First they went to nearby Mariupol, and later, with the help of generous donations, they were able to get out of the besieged city and to a safer part of Ukraine. They are now building a new life for themselves, but when it is safe, they want to go back home.




 See a short video with the family in June 2022: 

- Aug 21, 2023, 4:28:52 PM

 Thank you for your donations!

Oleg, his grandmother Alexandra and the rest of the family left their home in Eastern Ukraine because of the war. They went to Mariupol, where they thought they would be safe, but they ended up spending more than a month in a city under siege. When it was finally possible for them to leave Mariupol, the donations from ShareDotDoc made it possible for them to pay for the trip and to find a new place to live.They are now living in a village in the central part of Ukraine, far from the war zone.  They say that mostly they enjoy the silence, complete village silence, without any shooting or bombing sounds. They still can't believe that they survived and escaped occupied Mariupol. Oleg and his cousin Yarik signed up for a new school. Both are so happy that the teachers, kids, and neighbors in their new village are very kind to their families. 
The charitable foundation Voices of Children provides the whole family with therapy. 4 of their psychologists visit the family every week. The family feels much better than before, but they still have so many bad memories about their more than 1 month surviving in occupied Mariupol.

- Aug 21, 2023, 4:28:52 PM